Thursday, December 10, 2009
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
Monday, November 16, 2009
Person Needed to Develop iPhone app - $1 (DC area)
Reply Lugo, Raul CTR to sale-wewej-146.
Avoid: wiring money, cross-border deals, work-at-home** Beware: cashier checks, money orders, escrow, shipping** More Info:
LMAO that is awesome!
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Thursday, November 12, 2009
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Self Proclamation

Seeing as its Wednesday already, I can finally break down and tell the tale on how I became ‘Employee of the Week’. No longer will I be a tease…
Back to the numbers system. Hope you have your abacus available.
There are 3 different categories if you will, each paid commission differently and you have the ability to climb up the ranks (see: false promises set by management). I had the highest percentage in 2 of the 3 categories. I have brought back almost all of the billing that I started with, and increased the existing revenue like no other. Awesome. I get recognized for the work that I was doing and for the effort I actually exerted out of sheer boredom. My reward: a $10 gift card for Dunkin Donuts, which will cover my coffee for the week.
The end.
If you didn't catch it on CNN this morning
Date: 2009-11-11, 11:13AM ESTReply to: [Errors when replying to ads?]
My BFF and I need some assistance in developing an iPhone app for our secret language. Currently, we both speak english, however, in 4th grade we created a secret language that we would like to be able to use in our everyday adult lives and perhaps eventually acclimate into the rest of society. The iPhone app would ideally have a simple interface and include a dictionary with our words and translations. It would be cool if it had voice recognition (preferably translating our voices into autotuned voices of our new language) and perhaps fingerprint recognition (just because it's cool and seems official). We both work full time jobs, but slack off pretty regularly, so we would have time during the day to help with the details of the app.
Payment is negotiable, however, we were thinking you could be paid in sunflower seeds or something to that extent. If you don't like sunflower seeds don't even bother applying. If there is another type of seed you prefer, feel free to make a suggestion.
Location: DC area
it's NOT ok to contact this poster with services or other commercial interestsPostingID: 1461106450

Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Your turn
Main Entry: 1ab·er·rant
Pronunciation: \a-ˈber-ənt, ə-, -ˈbe-rənt; ˈa-bə-rənt, -ˌber-ənt, -ˌbe-rənt\
Function: adjective
Etymology: Latin aberrant-, aberrans, present participle of aberrare to go astray, from ab- + errare to wander, err
Date: circa 1780
1 : straying from the right or normal way
2 : deviating from the usual or natural type : atypical
Word of the Day
on important subjects
stef: shoot
jules: mindy d* engaged or not
stef: well she's been with that guy forever
she did have her status as engaged for a long time
jules: i thought it used to say engaged
stef: and was talking about being engaged
but then they broke up
jules: im suchhhhh a creep
but now shes back in a relationship
stef: and when they got back together it just said in a relationship
sooo i don't know the status
jules: ur good for nothing.
Thursday, October 15, 2009
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
More Clever Marketing
That's like calling a McDonald's milkshake a protein shake.
'Columbus Day Sale?' I've never heard of such bullshit in my life. Columbus raped a bunch of Indians and Pillaged a bunch of teepees. Ooh, what's that Macy's? You realize that all of the nations kiddies are off of school and mommies need an excuse to get them out of the house all while spending their husband's paycheck on Ralph Lauren cashmere sweaters for fall - as if they don't have one in every color already. Oh, pewter! That's a new color in their line this year. $89.90?! Don't mind if you do.
Welcome to the suburbs of Chicago where if there's a recession, it means filling your Porche with unleaded instead of premium.
Monday, October 12, 2009
Thursday, October 8, 2009
The President of the company pulls you into his office and tells you that you will be placed on unpaid leave until they can hire some new lobbyists for you to support.
You call your old bosses and tell them they better get you a way to pay for your excessive drinking and health insurance (hey, I don't want swine flu).
They have one of their wives get you a job at her plastic surgery office.
I better get a boob job or some lipo out of this.
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Public Relations?
jules: right!
i showed my boss
stef: hahah
you would
jules: yeah he didnt laugh, just yelled at me for not working.
i laughed?
stef: bosses.
who needs em?
stef: haha you need to twitter more keep me entertained
jules: i closed my account cuz im not that clever but i think im gonna start again today
the one about the caterpillar i laughed OUT LOUD
stef: haha
jules: thats so intellegent...
"I try to spin you a positive story and you go and let the local paper take a picture of you holding two swords. Idiot."
Where the fuck do you come up with these things?!?!?!
tell me thats from a movie
stef: hahah no dude! i was working on a public relations campaign for a client trying to get a newspaper to pick up a positive spin on a story
and this asshole, goes a gets a story written about his business, the same business i'm trying to get a good story written about, holding up these two swords in his shop
it was re-goddamn-diculous
jules: thats honestly the funniest thing i've heard in a long time
i cant believe its real
stef: fucking idiots
"in this area you don't have to be blind to see we're hurting economically."
also this quote doesn't make any fucking sense
from the same industry i'm working on
probably meant, you'd have to be blind NOT to see
you don't have to be blind to see?
wtf is that
im fucking dying over here... i had chocolate donuts for breakfast which might have somethign to do with it
and i also woke up to "sexy bitch" this morning
stef: hahahaha
fuck yeah!
jules: its been a rave in my mind since 6:20 this morning
stef: glowsticks?
jules: duh.
when i get assigned work
i assign it to him
and he does it and brings it back
and then i give it to my boss
i get paid, he doesn't
works perfectly
jules: hahaha. i love it! you dont need to do ANYTHING
stef: nope
jules: hey i have a starbucks survey to get a free drink, can you have ur intern do it for me? i just want the coffee
stef: sure send it on over
jules: hahahah i should fax it to you we suck at this work thing
and by suck, i mean own.
we are above the system
stef: i was so nervous about the real world
i was all like, man it's gonna be so much work and i'm going to be overwhelmed because in college i didn't do shit
will this is better
no homework
free drinks
stef: and paychecks!
me: and i get paid for going on facebook instead of paying thousands of dollars for tuition
jules: and dont forget the hot men in suits, any guy is bangable in a suit
stef: absolutely